No |
Paper ID |
Title |
Authors |
1 |
1570823238 |
Selection Modification of Model in Profile Matching Algorithm for Admission and Placement of Assistant Members |
Irawan Dwi Wahyono |
2 |
1570826094 |
Indonesia’s Open Unemployment Rate Prediction System Using Deep Learning |
Basuki Rahmat; Ni Ketut Sari, MT; Budi Nugroho; Helmy Widyantara |
3 |
1570826246 |
Poverty Prediction System Using Deep Learning on Indonesian Population |
Suaib Halim; Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman; Hoga Saragih; Basuki Rahmat |
4 |
1570826247 |
Poor Population Classification System Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) |
Suaib Halim; Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman; Hoga Saragih; Basuki Rahmat |
5 |
1570827801 |
Perception and E-Learning Readiness Mulawarman University |
Fahrul Agus; Sudarman Sudarman; Okta Ihza Gifari |
6 |
1570828485 |
Path Planning and Smoothing in Maze Exploration Using Virtual Mobile Robot-Based Modified PRM |
Muhammad Fuad; Sri Wahyuni |
7 |
1570829947 |
Integrated Deep Learning System for Car Damage Detection and Classification Using Deep Transfer Learning |
Daniel Widjojo; Endang Setyati; Yosi Kristian |
8 |
1570831574 |
Comparison of Three Crawling Libraries for Providing Herbal Information Resources |
Vincentius Riandaru Prasetyo; Oeke Yunita |
9 |
1570832363 |
DNA Cryptography Based on NTRU Cryptosystem to Improve Security |
Dwiko Satriyo. U. Y. S; Harjito Bambang; Faisal Rahutomo; Heri Prasetyo |
10 |
1570832735 |
Kalman and Butterworth Filter Comparison for GPS and Magnetometer Sensors |
Tanya Porang; Dechrit Maneetham; Myo Min Aung |
11 |
1570832748 |
Eleven Degree of Freedom Humanoid Upper Body Robot SIBO |
Padma Nyoman Crisnapati; Evi Triandini; Dechrit Maneetham |
12 |
1570832901 |
Camera Calibration Algorithm for Industrial Robot |
Louie Villaverde; Dechrit Maneetham; Tenzin Rabgyal |
13 |
1570832954 |
Experimental Four-Wheel Tractor by GPS Tracking System |
Phummarin Thavitchasri; Dechrit Maneetham; Tenzin Rabgyal |
14 |
1570833437 |
Analysis of Consumer Satisfaction Levels with GoRide Services Using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classification Method |
Virginia Ursula Lalian; Rokhana Dwi Bekti; Noviana Pratiwi; Edhy Sutanta; I Wayan Julianta Pradnyana |
15 |
1570833555 |
Classification of Teenager Aggressiveness Using K-Nearest Neighbor Method |
Heliza Rahmania Hatta; Nurhanisah Nurhanisah; Anindita Septiarini; Masna Wati; Novianti Puspitasari; Fetty Tri Anggraeny |
16 |
1570837503 |
Understanding the Acceptance of Smartwatch Application on Football Players as a Performance Monitoring Tools |
Tri Lathif Mardi Suryanto; Nur Cahyo Wibowo; Achmad Afandi; Wahyu Dwi Lestari; Muhammad Rafi Pratama |
17 |
1570838137 |
Outdoor Social Distancing Violation Detection System Using Faster R-Cnn Algorithm |
Casi Setianingsih |
18 |
1570838595 |
Wind Speed Time Series Modeling Under Least Square Error and Genetic Algorithm |
Mohammad Abu Jamiin; Mardi Santosa; Ii Munadhif; Ryan Yudha Adhitya; Zindhu Maulana Ahmad; Mohammad Adiatmoko |
19 |
1570838748 |
Diagnosis System of Cattle Diseases Using Case-Based Reasoning and Nearest Neighbor Similarity Methods |
Devie Rosa Anamisa; Achmad Jauhari; Fifin Ayu Mufarroha; Yeni Kustiyahningsih; Sigit Putro |
20 |
1570838830 |
Fostering Student Engagement in E-Learning Using Mobile Technology |
Fatima Vapiwala; Deepika Pandita |
21 |
1570839121 |
Representation of Soccer Robotics in the Fastest Trajectory Tracking |
Achmad Ubaidillah; Achmad Fiqhi Ibadillah; Aeri Rachmad, AR. |
22 |
1570839156 |
Identification of Semi-Solid Liquids Using Photodiode and RGB Sensor with S-NN Method |
Noor Suryaningsih; Ane Prasetyowati; Duta Widya; Busalim F. |
23 |
1570839325 |
Technical, Economical, Environmental Feasibility of Solar PV System for Sustainable Shrimp Aquaculture: A Case Study of a Circular Shrimp Pond in Indonesia |
Nizar Amir; Abdelhak Errami; Lee Seung-woo |
24 |
1570839828 |
Measurement Model User Experience and Technology Acceptance for Implementation Virtual Booth in Marketplace |
Henry Widjaja; Meyliana Meyliana; Erick Fernando; Surjandy Surjandy; A. Raharto Condrobimo |
25 |
1570840754 |
Antecedents of the E-Learning Adoption in Adamson University During Pandemic COVID 19: The Higher Education Students’ Perspectives |
Lianna Wijaya; Lourdes Lasian; Noe Enriquez |
26 |
1570840771 |
Grouping Madura Tourism Objects with Comparison of Clustering Methods |
Achmad Jauhari; Devie Rosa Anamisa; Fifin Ayu Mufarroha; Ika Oktavia Suzanti |
27 |
1570841296 |
Soceng Warriors: Game-Based Learning to Increase Security Awareness Against Social Engineering Attacks |
Raden Budiarto Hadiprakoso; Giri Noto; Nurul Qomariasih |
28 |
1570841504 |
Application of Sensors in Arduino as a Control in Smart Home Systems |
A S Romadhon; V T Widyaningrum |
29 |
1570841870 |
Borneo Smart Forest Information System for Management of Dipterocarp Plants in Kalimantan Rainforest |
Masna Wati; Novianti Puspitasari; Ummul Hairah; Joan Angelina Widians; Anindita Septiarini; Ade Fiqri Tjikoa |
30 |
1570841925 |
Word Ambiguity Identification Using POS Tagging in Automatic Essay Scoring |
Husni Husni; Fika Rachman; Ika Oktavia Suzanti |
31 |
1570842242 |
Comparison of LSTM and GRU in Predicting the Number of Diabetic Patients |
Eka Mala Sari Rochman; Miswanto Miswanto; Herry Suprajitno; Aeri Rachmad, AR.; Ratih Nindyasari; Fika Hastarita Rachman |
32 |
1570842273 |
Realtime Simulation Platform for Rocket Using Visual Programming |
Fikana Mahardika Cantri; Muhammad Hasannudin Bisri; Herma Yudhi Irwanto |
33 |
1570842306 |
Sentiment Analysis of Government Policy Management on the Handling of Covid-19 Using Naive Bayes with Feature Selection |
Aeri Rachmad, AR.; Yeni Kustiyahningsih; Muhammad Ali Syakur; Eka Mala Sari Rochman; Dian Puspita Hapsari |
34 |
1570842602 |
Face Recognition to Determine Visitor Attraction Using Residual Deep Neural Network |
Budi Dwi Satoto; Rima Tri Wahyuningrum; Bain Khusnul Khotimah; Muhammad Yusuf; Mohammad Syarief; Wahyudi Setiawan |
35 |
1570843128 |
A Comparative Study of Cuckoo and Any.Run in Basic Dynamic Malware Analysis |
Kamila Rizqina; Hermawan Setiawan; Adam Waluyo; Antonius Alfari |
36 |
1570843129 |
Automatic Text Summarization of Madura Tourism Articles Using TF-IDF and K-Medoid Clustering |
Yoga Dwitya Pramudita; Ika Oktavia Suzanti; Saifuddin Saifuddin; Mohammad Syarief; Firdaus Solihin |
37 |
1570843135 |
Analysis of Centralized Vs Decentralized of Electronic Voting |
Zidna Wildan Alfain; Hermawan Setiawan; I Komang Buana |
38 |
1570843146 |
Development of Final Year Project System (FIPOS) Based on Website with One-Time Password |
Muhammad Irfan Cahyanto; Hermawan Setiawan; Raden Budiarto Hadiprakoso; Nadia Paramita |
39 |
1570843227 |
Usability Evaluation of Academic Information System Using the WEBUSE Method: A Study on University of Trunojoyo Madura Web Portal |
Fitri Agustina; Nachnul Ansori |
40 |
1570843260 |
Reinforcement Learning for Automatic Cryptocurrency Trading |
Andreas Nugroho Sihananto; Anggraini Puspita Sari; Muhammad Eko Prasetyo; Mochammad Yanuar Fitroni; Wahyu Nugroho Gultom; Henni Endah Wahanani |
41 |
1570843406 |
Analysis of SQL Injection Attack Detection and Prevention on MySQL Database Using Input Categorization and Input Verifier |
Alya Aiman Salsabila Arif; Nurul Qomariasih; Hermawan Setiawan; Rahmat Purwoko |
42 |
1570843519 |
Rice Commodity Crisis Prediction for Food Resilience in Indonesia |
Trisita Novianti; Issa Dyah Utami; Heri Awalul Ilhamsah |
43 |
1570843536 |
Implementation of Gamification Learning to Increase Student Motivation and Engagement in Flipped Learning |
Raden Budiarto Hadiprakoso; Farras Ahmad Naufal |
44 |
1570843542 |
An Algorithm for Selecting the Head and Tail of an Intact Fish in the Overlapping Multi-Fish Image for Detecting Fish Freshness |
Eko Prasetyo; Nanik Suciati; Chastine Fatichah |
45 |
1570843605 |
Stalk Rots Diseases of Corn Classification Using Morphology Closing and Convolutional Neural Network |
Wahyudi Setiawan |
46 |
1570843622 |
Implementation Password Stealing Attack Against Saved Passwords on Computer Browsers Using Digispark Attiny85 |
Farid Akram; Setiyo Cahyono; I Made Wisnu Bakti Saputra |
47 |
1570843630 |
Forecasting Model of Wind Speed and Direction by Convolutional Neural Network – Deep Convolutional Long Short Term Memory |
Anggraini Puspita Sari; Dwi Arman Prasetya; Takashi Yasuno; Andreas Nugroho Sihananto; Muhammad Muharrom Al Haromainy; Wahyu S J Saputra |
48 |
1570843634 |
Real-Time Vision Image Processing Based on LabVIEW and Microcontroller Controlled Parallel Robot |
Surin Subson; Dechrit Maneetham; Myo Min Aung |
49 |
1570843657 |
Comparison of Sequential Feature Selection Performance with Various Dimensional Data to Produce Optimal Classification |
Ani Dijah Rahajoe; Agussalim Agussalim; Emy Setyaningsih; Eka Prakarsa Mandyartha; Fawwaz Akbar; Faisal Muttaqin |
50 |
1570843667 |
Water Requirement Prediction System Using Multi-Factors High Order Fuzzy Time Series Method |
Achmad Jauhari; Devie Rosa Anamisa; Fifin Ayu Mufarroha |
51 |
1570843678 |
K-Means and K-Medoids Clustering Methods for Customer Segmentation in Online Retail Datasets |
Fifin Ayu Mufarroha; Ika Oktavia Suzanti; Budi Dwi Satoto; Mohammad Syarief; Husni Husni |
52 |
1570843696 |
Implementation of Quantile Regression Neural Network Model for Forecasting Electricity Demand in East Java |
Aviolla Terza Damaliana; Sri Hidayati |
53 |
1570843722 |
Design of Garbage Collection Robots in Tourism Area (Beach) with Artificial Neural Network Method |
Hanifudin Sukri; Ach Dafid; Ari Basuki |
54 |
1570843852 |
Mapping of Salt Field Using Drone for Geographic Information System (GIS) |
Muhammad Yusuf; Arif Muntasa; Mochammad Kautsar Sophan; Kazeem Oluwakemi Oseni; Makhfud Efendy; Yeni Kustiyahningsih; Budi Dwi Satoto |
55 |
1570844146 |
Analysis of Factors Affecting Subscription Interest on Netflix Using UTAUT2 |
Arista Pratama; Clariza Risanti; Tri Lathif Mardi Suryanto; Rizky Parlika; Asif Faroqi |
56 |
1570844416 |
Flood Early Warning System Using River Water Level Prediction with Artificial Neural Network (CASE STUDY JAKARTA) |
Dimas Bagus Saputro; Arliyanti Nurdin; Khodijah Amiroh |
57 |
1570844563 |
Customer Segmentation Based on Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM) and User Event Tracking (UET) Using K-Means Algorithm |
Achmad Solichin; Gunadi Wibowo |
58 |
1570844958 |
Online User Reviews Investigation Towards Madura Island Tourism Using Latent Semantic Analysis |
Ari Basuki; Andharini Dwi Cahyani; Weny Findiastuti; Rizki Ashuri Pratama; Faikul Umam; Shofi Fitrotis Salimah |
59 |
1570845387 |
Alignment of Business Goals with IT Goals by Measuring the Level of Capability Using Cobit 5 |
Siti Mukaromah; Arrandi Muhamad Action; Carena Learns Prasetyo; Prisa Kusuma; Agung Brastama Putra; Eristya Maya Safitri; Anita Wulansari; Asif Faroqi |
60 |
1570845424 |
Toward Multiple Smart Home Scenario with Fog Computing Enabled |
Agussalim Agussalim; Ani Dijah Rahajoe; Eristya Maya Safitri; Dhian Satria Yudha Kartika; Nur Cahyo Wibowo; Prisa Kusuma |
61 |
1570845478 |
Design of Integrated Substrate Waveguide (Siw) Planar Horn Antenna |
Kunto Aji Wibisono; Riza Alfita; Miftachul Ulum; Rosida Vivin Nahari; Thomi Action |
62 |
1570845668 |
Autonomous Museum Tour Guide Robot with Object Detection Using Tensorflow Learning Machine |
Faikul Umam; Ach Dafid; Firmansyah Adiputra; Sri Wahyuni |
63 |
1570846090 |
Development of Extraction-Based Text Summarization Application to Improve Children’s Literacy in Storybook Reading |
Tresna Maulana Fahrudin; Angela Lisanthoni; Edina Alana Nabila; Divanda Shaffa Ameera; Andry Syva Maldini; Fairuz Mumtaz Izdihar Farraz |
64 |
1570846298 |
Classification of Javanese Script Using Convolutional Neural Network with Data Augmentation |
Muhammad Muharrom Al Haromainy; Andreas Nugroho Sihananto; Muhammad Alfyando; Anggraini Puspita Sari; Dwi Arman Prasetya; Ryan Purnomo |
65 |
1570846492 |
Optimization of Single Exponential Smoothing Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Modified Particle Swarm Optmization in Sales Forecast |
Made Hanindia Prami Swari; I Putu Susila Handika; I Kadek Susila Satwika; Henni Endah Wahanani |
66 |
1570846622 |
Forecasting the Inflation Rate in Indonesia Using Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network |
Agung Mustika Rizki; Afina Lina Nurlaili; Firza Prima Aditiawan; Gusti Eka Yuliastuti |
67 |
1570846644 |
Using Genetic Algorithm for Wide Yet Even Scattering of Game Objects: Applications on Irregular Levels and Involving Multiple Objects |
Pratama Wirya Atmaja; Sugiarto Sugiarto |
68 |
1570846659 |
Single Channel EEG Based Biometric System |
Muhammad Afif Hendrawan; Ulla Delfana Rosiani; Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi Sumari |
69 |
1570846697 |
Graphical User Interface for RYU Software Defined Network Controller |
Nguyen Viet Ha; Du Dong Quan; Tran Thi Thao Nguyen |
70 |
1570846713 |
Implementation of Weighted Product Method as Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) in Vendor Selection |
Abdul Rezha Efrat Najaf; Anindo Saka Fitri; Seftin Fitri Ana Wati; Anita Wulansari; Dhian Satria Yudha Kartika; Eristya Maya Safitri |
71 |
1570846761 |
Risk Management Capability Level of Mail Information System in the Government of Surabaya |
Anita Wulansari; Carena Learns Prasetyo; Siti Mukaromah; Asif Faroqi; Eristya Maya Safitri; Abdul Rezha Efrat Najaf |
72 |
1570846787 |
Political Campaign Strategy on Social Media Using Finite State Machine |
Aryo Nugroho; Awalludiyah Ambarwati; Moh Noor Al-Azam; Arsi Raniah Faza; Adri Gabriel Sooai; Sherly Febriani |
73 |
1570846806 |
Car Classification Based on Image Using Transfer Learning Convolutional Neural Network |
Wahyu S J Saputra; E Y Puspaningrum; Anggraini Puspita Sari; Wahyu Firman Syahputra; Yisti Vita Via; Mohammad Idhom |
74 |
1570846821 |
Attendance System Using Two Factor Authentication Based on Secure App with Flutter |
Donny Irwansyah; I Komang Buana; Hermawan Setiawan |
75 |
1570846837 |
Performance of Root-Mean-Square Propagation and Adaptive Gradient Optimization Algorithms on Covid-19 Pneumonia Classification |
Budi Nugroho; Anny Yuniarti |
76 |
1570847060 |
Stacking Ensemble Methods to Predict Obesity Level in Adults |
I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa; Mohammad Idhom; Akhmad Fauzi; Aviolla Terza Damaliana |
77 |
1570847149 |
Evaluation of Campus Event Management Information System Using System Usability Scale Method |
Rizka Hadiwiyanti; Tri Lathif Mardi Suryanto; Eristya Maya Safitri |